Mass (or Liturgy) is the central act of worship in which the Eucharist is celebrated. It involves a communal gathering for prayer, Scripture readings, the offering of bread and wine, and their consecration into the Body and Blood of Christ, which the faithful then receive in Holy Communion.
Mass Schedule
Daily Mass
Monday – Saturday
7:00am (English)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 6:30pm (Spanish) plus rosary
Saturday Vigils
4:00pm (English)
6:00pm (Spanish)
Sunday English Masses
Sunday Spanish Masses
Filipino Mass
Every First Saturday
7:30 pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Join our parish in a 24-hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
First Friday of Every Month
7:30am on Friday and conclude before the 7 am Mass Saturday.
Located in Mary's Side Chapel
We are seeking volunteers to commit to one-hour time slots. Please contact the parish office to register.
Novena to the Sacred Heart
Before the 7:00am Mass the 1st Friday of the month
Saturday morning confessions begin immediately after 7am Mass, are in the church building, and will continue till the last person attends.